We're two weeks back from our 2 1/2 week trip spent at the Cannes Film Festival and we thought it was high time that we update our supporters on where we've been and where we're headed. Words cannot express what an honor it was to have been able to screen our short film, A Little Bit of More, at the world renowned film festival. An extra special thanks goes out to the folks at Creative Minds In Cannes for facilitating the opportunity, as well as to all of our friends and family who contributed in one way or another to our travel fund. Our lives have been changed as a result forever more.
In addition to screening our film at the festival's Court Metrage, we got to check out some fantastic films (We Need To Talk About Kevin and Drive = brilliant!), meet a ton of new faces (contacts, contacts, contacts!), and learned a lot (more) about the film industry.

While we were gone, our good friend TastyKeish hit us up for an interview for REAL Time Travlr. You can read it here http://realtimetravlr.tumblr.com/post/5758055200/flight-path-concretepearl
Also, the good folks over at Shadow and Act took a moment to pick our brains on camera about our Cannes experience. Check us out: http://bit.ly/k36RAQ
So, after this whirlwind experience where do we go from here?

Well, for starters there's lots of follow-up being done with all of the industry contacts we made at the festival. We have a couple of them reading the script for the feature, Concrete Pearl, moving us just a little closer to making the production a reality. While we wait to hear from those contacts, Curtis and I will be making plans to head out to Martha's Vineyard in August. We just received word that the short was selected to be a part of the 2011 Martha's Vineyard African-American Film Festival! Talk about keeping it moving. We'll be filling everyone in with more details about the festival as we get closer to the date.
Until then...can't stop, won't stop.